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E-Book Edition - Expanded Content
Now Available
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After the civil rights movement of the 1960's, many Blacks took the initiative to "do for self" and became entrepreneurs to become independent and strive to reach their potential. Demetrius Bledsoe shares the fascinating journey of the painting business his father Ether Bledsoe started in 1970. The book will detail how the business quickly grew from two employees painting houses to nearly 100 painting skyscrapers, bridges, restaurants, automotive plants, hospitals and numerous landmarks throughout the country. The success of the company was celebrated by many and hated by others. 

Ether was also one of the founding members of the Minority Contractors Association of Missouri/Kansas

(MO-KAN) when it was established in the early 1970's.  The organization fought hard to increase the participation level of black workers and minority owned businesses on construction projects. MO-KAN is known for shutting down interstate 70 which runs through downtown St. Louis in an effort to bring attention to the lack of minority workers participating in the multi-million dollar improvement of the highway in the late 1990's. Reverend Al Sharpton participated in the shutdown orchestrated by MO-KAN. You can read an article about the shutdown here.  Ether Bledsoe was the chairman of MO-KAN at the time of his death in 2006.

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Ether Bledsoe

One would think that creating meaningful jobs and being a vessel to allow many to enter a solid middle class lifestyle would be applauded. Bledsoe details in easy to read fashion how the company was infiltrated by Whites with an aim to put the company out of business. The local union worked night and day to prevent the company from completing projects and winning jobs.  The book will detail how the local municipality used Jim Crow tactics to harass and attempt to run the business out of town.  The municipality is just a few minutes from Ferguson, Mo. where some of those who were on the front line fighting for justice for Michael Brown had worked for Bledsoe. It all came to a showdown when city officials along with a Missouri sheriff and enlisting the municipality's police department at the highest level, derived a well developed scheme to take control of the two story renovated office building. The building had a winding staircase, plush carpeting an executive office suite, marble bathroom fixtures and an abundance of land.  


The over zealousness of the officials led them to collide head-on with Demetrius Bledsoe. Demetrius was occupying the building, operating a business, had a valid business license, was paying utilities and receiving mail but none of that mattered. The aim of those that wanted to take control of the property would move full steam ahead with tactics reminiscent of a time when Blacks had no rights. Demetrius however, stood his ground which culminated in The Battle for 2812. 2812 is the street number of the address where the property was located. The battle was fought on the ground and in the air (spiritually speaking). Despite being in the property that his parents owned for over 20 years along with having a valid business license issued by the city, Demetrius was arrested twice on bogus charges for trespassing without due process. Bledsoe and his attorney knew of the danger of interacting with the police especially in what was a hostile and confrontational environment. Bledsoe and his attorney determined that if the police department were to arrest Demetrius again, that it should be videotaped as an attempt to protect his safety, have video representation of the truth if the police were to do harm to him and lie about it. You can see the second arrest of Demetrius Bledsoe below.

In the book, you will go into the courtroom where the city hired a special prosecutor to go after Demetrius. In the four day trial, you will read actual testimony how Demetrius whipped the prosecution and when the judge rendered his verdict of not guilty in favor of Bledsoe, the special prosecutor raced out of the courtroom in disgust leaving his files and notes in what turned out to be the first case he ever lost. The judge never deliberated nor had to review the testimony (over four days) that Bledsoe was trespassing (as claimed by the prosecution) on a property where he was legally operating a business, had a business license administered by the city and at a property that his parents owned for over 20 years . The judge must have known that the prosecution and police department were engaging in a conspiracy and fraudulent act to take control of the Bledsoe property. 


The battle however was not over.  God was not finished with those that were so evil and wicked that they had to be dealt with. God moved swiftly with His justice. You will read about the fate of the municipality and the prosecuting attorney that initially authorized the arrests. You will also read about the fate of the county sheriff that lived 100 miles away that was used by city officials to be a part of their dirty scheme. The fate of these parties did not end well as the FBI ultimately took action against the municipality while the prosecuting attorney and sheriff paid the ultimate price.


The Battle for 2812 is about the journey of Ether Bledsoe and his vision to start a painting company to better provide for his family and community. Overcoming the many obstacles he endured could not have been done if Ether Bledsoe did not have a consistent, dutiful and praying wife for 50 years in Alma Bledsoe.


Alma and Ether Bledsoe

The essence of the book is about determination, dedication and perseverance. It highlights that when one has setbacks or obstacles, you pick yourself up and move on knowing that no weapon formed against the righteous shall prosper.  It's all in the Battle for 2812. Order your copy below.


Demetrius Bledsoe is the author of The Battle for 2812 and the founder of Black Owned Roofing Company Quote. Demetrius Bledsoe gets his competitive spirit from being raised in the family business along with playing sports. He is a Hall of Fame inductee, All-American collegiate baseball player and represented the U.S. in international competition in Europe. Bledsoe International offers its construction services nationwide and have completed projects in every region of the United States.


The eBook edition of The Battle for 2812 is now available for $9.99 with expanded content. The first edition in paperback sold out in several months. The second edition includes in his own words, how the actual battle for 2812, being arrested, taking on city hall, taking on the police department, going to trial and winning inspired Demetrius Bledsoe to create Redemption 2019 - The Plan for Black America.

Thank you to those that have ordered The Battle for 2812. We greatly appreciate your support.


Demetrius Bledsoe is also the founder and author of Redemption 2019 - The Plan for Black America and the Kingdom Marketplace.  Redemption 2019 is an economic development plan that will create jobs, rebuild communities, generate wealth and give future generations a viable economic engine to compete within a capitalistic structure. The Kingdom Marketplace is an online store where personal items and everyday household items can be purchased. Visit  and learn more. Thank you.

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